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The Boss’s New Secret Weapon: Pumping Perfume Into the Office

The Wall Street Journal | Ray A. Smith

"Hines, a commercial real-estate company with skyscrapers worldwide, has developed a special scent it began quietly pumping into the heating, air conditioning and ventilation system in its Texas Tower headquarters in Houston late last year. It’s rolling out the fragrance in more than 20 other office buildings and apartment complexes this year, from Chicago and New York to London and Delhi, India...
Hines worked with ScentAir, a provider of experiential fragrances for spaces including Marriott hotels. It was ScentAir’s first time making a custom scent for an entire office portfolio.
'They wanted both uplifting and relaxing, which is not something that I get all the time,' says Neohni Gilligan, ScentAir’s director of fragrance and product marketing. In hotels, clients usually want to set a relaxed vibe. But in the office space, they want an I’ve arrived and am ready to be here kind of mentality.'"