Press Releases

ScentAir® Partners with Union Diversified Industries to Provide Meaningful Jobs for Underemployed Adults with Developmental Disabilities

CHARLOTTE, NC (05/04/23) – Global scent marketing leader ScentAir has partnered with local non-profit Union Diversified Industries (UDI) to provide jobs for individuals with developmental disabilities. Employees, who are part of this partnership, will serve as an extension of ScentAir’s manufacturing team and will be responsible for assembling fragrance cartridges for the company’s Whisper diffusers, one of its best-selling products.

“We are excited to work with Union Diversified Industries and look forward to the positive impact this partnership will bring to our company and the greater Charlotte area,” said ScentAir’s Senior Vice President of Products and Marketing, Logan Andres. “At ScentAir, we are committed to continually cultivating an inclusive and diverse work climate for the betterment of our employees, customers and business.”

UDI partners with companies that have a global reach to bridge the gap between two major categories: underemployed adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and manufacturing organizations that are looking to outsource repetitive processes.

“Our individuals are proud to produce items that are used in a variety of settings and applications,” said CEO David Casper. “Unlike most manufacturing employees, the individuals we support in vocational programming enjoy a mixed-day schedule encompassing exercise, creative arts, community integration activities, and life skills training. UDI staff, donors, volunteers, and the manufacturing companies we partner with are LIFE ENHANCERS to the individuals we support!” 

About UDI

Union Diversified Industries (UDI) is the oldest non-profit serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Union County, NC. UDI provides services to children and adults in multiple locations including the Walkup Ave. facility, individuals’ homes, and the surrounding community. Go to for more information.

ScentAir is committed to the creation of customized scent strategies that boost clients’ brand sentiments, customer loyalty, and sales. To learn more, go to